One of my blogging friends, Sonia Marsh, ( introduced me to a Mennonite blogger from Paraguay, Betty Wiens (  I am grateful for the connection and recommend both blogs to you, dear reader.

Betty Wiens did something on her latest series of posts that I would like to try.  She polled her readers:  what would you like to know about me?  They asked all kinds of fascinating questions, and she answered all of them.

I thought I would try the same thing.  What would you like to know?  About memoir.  About me.  Heck, you can pretend I’m Google.  I don’t promise to answer all questions, but I will try.  The categories of all the posts I have done so far are listed on the right hand side of this blog.  Are these ones you would like to see more of, less of?  Any other suggestions?

Shirley Showalter


  1. Betty on March 17, 2009 at 8:09 am

    Thanks for the links to my blog today! I´m kind of in a writers block at the moment, so I hope I don´t scare the new readers away… 🙂 That´s why I did the Q and A seccion, because I did not have anything interesting to write about.Anyway, since I just started reading your blog, I have many questions that you may have answered in previous posts, but I´ll ask anyway.1. Do you stand to your Mennonite faith? 2. And if so, what church do you belong to?3. Do you have kids? How old? Are they married? 4. What do you like doing in your free time?5. Do you have hobbys?Ok, I´ll stop now. I have more, but maybe someone else will ask them. Thanks for opening yourself up to us!

  2. Gutsy Writer on March 17, 2009 at 6:12 pm

    First I'd like to know how long you've been teaching memoir writing? Second, what have you learned from your students?

  3. Gutsywriter on March 18, 2009 at 1:12 am

    First I'd like to know how long you've been teaching memoir writing? Second, what have you learned from your students?

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