Magical Memoir Moments

Mother and me on the deck, Spring, 2014

57 Varieties of Wisdom: Sooner or Later, We All Quote Our Mothers (and Fathers)

As I intimated in my last post, the response to my Facebook query asking for examples of sayings from parents was amazing. Fifty-seven responses in all, counting multiple entries and conversations about entries. Then my Facebook friend Linda Hoye posted a Mary Englebreit painting featuring these words: “Sooner or Later, We All Quote Our Mothers.”…


Family Aphorisms: A Memoir Legacy of Advice

Did you cotton to the advice of Ma and Pa in your youth? Or did you roll your eyes? One source of memoir in almost every life consists of the aphorisms — the boiled down wisdom or witticism — passed on by previous generations. The pattern of youth is to disdain these. The pattern of…